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Alternative Search Engines

Title Description
refseek A search engine designed for students and researchers, providing access to over a billion documents, including web pages, books, encyclopedias, and journals.
WorldCat A global catalog of library collections, allowing users to search for books, music, and other materials available in libraries near them.
SpringerLink A comprehensive online resource offering access to millions of research articles, books, and reference works from a variety of scientific disciplines.
BiolineInternational A nonprofit scholarly publishing cooperative providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries.
RePEc A decentralized database of working papers, journal articles, and other research outputs in economics and related sciences. A gateway to U.S. government science information, providing access to research and development results, journal articles, and technical reports across a wide range of scientific fields.
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine One of the world's most voluminous search engines, especially for academic web resources, offering access to millions of documents from various sources.
Sci-Hub: knowledge must be free A controversial online repository providing free access to millions of research papers, bypassing paywalls of major academic publishers.


Title Description
Center for Immigration Studies A think tank focused on providing data and analysis on immigration's impact on the United States, advocating for reduced immigration levels.
DAILYVERACITY A news and commentary website archived for historical reference, known for its controversial and sometimes disputed viewpoints on current events.
The Center Square A news organization focused on state and local government and economic reporting, delivering news with an emphasis on data and policy.
Barbara Spectre is Back A discussion thread on a forum that revisits Barbara Spectre's influence and controversial statements on multiculturalism in Europe.
Other Side of Deception A PDF of "The Other Side of Deception" by Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent who exposes alleged secrets and operations of the Israeli intelligence agency.
Mossad Whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky on Israeli Black Operations An article featuring an interview with Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad officer, discussing covert operations and his whistleblower activities.
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